Year: 2019

A car accident occurs every 10 seconds in the U.S., According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). While some accidents are only minor “fender benders” that do not result in serious injury to either party, some – particularly those caused by speeding or distracted driving – ultimately prove to be fatal. Here, we’ll […]
Every car owner wants to know that their vehicle is safe and reliable. A car’s age, model, and safety features all make a difference in how safe it is to drive and how much protection is provided in the event of a collision. Vehicle manufacturers routinely test and implement new safety features and release them […]

There is currently a shortage of about 60,000 truck drivers at trucking companies across the United States, according to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), USA Today reported earlier this year. Truck driver shortages can have a significant impact on the truckers who are currently on the road as their employers push them to speed up […]

Car accidents are a major cause of death in the United States. Roughly 40,000 people died from motor vehicle crashes in 2018. Speeding is one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents in the U.S. People who choose to ignore posted speed limits or drive to fast for conditions – often in favor of […]

Summer is officially over, and children in Tennessee and all across the country back in school. While this is normally an exciting time for parents and children, tragedy can strike if parents, motorists, and bus drivers aren’t paying full attention to the road and to children getting on or off the school bus. The attorneys […]

There is usually a long backlog of applications for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits that creates a lengthy wait for many applicants. The Social Security Administration (SSA) implemented the Compassionate Allowances program in 2008 in an effort to reduce the wait for people with conditions that clearly qualify as disabilities under the program’s definition. The […]

While vehicle collisions can happen anywhere at any time, a significant number of crashes occur at intersections where vehicles traveling in multiple directions cross paths. Intersections in Greeneville are no exception. Earlier this summer, News 5 WCYB reported that a driver was cited with failure to exercise due care and criminal charges were pending after […]

Like most states today, Tennessee uses a rule called “comparative fault” or “comparative negligence” when awarding partial compensation to injury victims who were partly at fault for the accident that harmed them. Comparative fault replaced the old rule called “contributory negligence.” Under contributory negligence, a person could not recover any damages if they were even […]

With Morristown’s increasing population – which is nearing 30,000 according to Census Bureau – traffic in the city increases as well. As the county seat of Hamblen County, Morristown hosts visitors from all over Eastern Tennessee. The growth means that many of the high-traffic areas can become some of the most common locations for crashes. […]

The main reason dog attacks occur more frequently in the summer months is most likely because more people are out and about during the day and are more likely to encounter dogs that are unfamiliar to them. Many attacks occur outside in neighborhoods, in parks, or other public areas while people are walking dogs or […]