Author: Brack Terry

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that the rate of fatal truck accidents here in the U.S. has actually fallen by 50 percent from 1994 to 2010, putting trucks on par with passenger cars in terms of overall vehicle safety. As encouraging as these numbers are, however, statistics from the Federal Motor […]

In an incredibly tragic story, the state of Tennessee saw its worst school bus accident in recent memory just last week when two buses collided in the East Knoxville area taking the lives of two young students and a teacher’s aide. According to preliminary accounts, the No. 44 bus from a nearby intermediate school was […]

Over the last seven years, 44 states have passed laws expressly prohibiting texting while driving, while 14 of them have taken things one step further by prohibiting the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. Here in Tennessee, all drivers are indeed banned from texting while driving. However, while both school bus drivers and novice […]

Last week, we discussed how it’s important for those motorists planning to hit the road for the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend to exercise caution, as there will likely be a large amount of traffic consisting of both fellow holiday travelers and truck drivers trying to make their scheduled deliveries. Indeed, we discussed one type of truck […]

By this time next week, the highways across the U.S. will be filled with travelers making their way to the homes of family and friends for Thanksgiving. Of course, they won’t just be sharing the road with would-be holiday celebrants, but also truck drivers trying to make their scheduled deliveries. As such, it’s important for […]

Much has been written about how the waistlines of Americans are continuing to get larger and the effect that this phenomenon has had from a public health perspective. Interestingly enough, there is now a growing body of research suggesting that the negative impact of these rising obesity rates isn’t just limited to health, but also […]

Most drivers are so familiar with our daily commute that they can picture nearly every straightway and every curve in great detail. Of course, with this familiarity comes the danger that drivers might discount otherwise very real dangers due to the simple fact that they almost never encounter them. For example, a driver might always […]

A recently published study by Canadian researchers in the scientific journal PLOS ONE made headlines by theorizing that there is a link between traumatic brain injuries and risky behavior by teens. Specifically, the study found that the odds of both teen boys and girls engaging in decidedly risky behavior — smoking, drinking, using drugs and […]

Most children probably don’t give much thought to their daily routine of waking up, walking to the neighborhood bus stop, and boarding the big yellow bus for another roundtrip to and from school. However, parents might find themselves a bit uneasy about the safety of this oversized vehicle with its lack of seatbelts and closely […]

As hard as it may be to accept, summer is now officially behind us as yesterday marked the official start of the fall season. As such, it’s important to take a moment to examine a few of the driving dangers typically associated with this otherwise idyllic time of the year. Weather The weather during autumn […]