Author: Brack Terry

accident stats male vs females

With over 1,400 crashes in Tennessee resulting in death or severe injuries in a single recent year, understanding who has more car accidents, men or women, can help drivers, automobile manufacturers, safety experts, medical professionals, and legal advocates take appropriate measures to reduce injuries and fatalities. One way to begin the investigation is to look […]

motorcycle safety equipment requirements tennessee

For many people in Tennessee, riding a motorcycle provides a convenient and fun way to commute, run errands, or see our state’s beautiful natural scenery. However, being involved in a motorcycle accident can lead to severe, life-altering injuries. Wearing the appropriate safety equipment for motorcycle riding can minimize your chances of suffering serious harm. It […]

reckless truck driver tennessee

Semi-truck drivers are responsible for driving safely and avoiding reckless behaviors that can lead to collisions. Crashes involving large trucks and passenger vehicles can cause severe injuries or even death. That is primarily due to the sheer size of commercial trucks and the force with which they collide with smaller cars. If you witness a […]

Hospital Lien

Do you have a pending personal injury case in Tennessee? There may be a hospital lien attached to your case if so. A hospital or medical lien can reduce how much compensation you receive as a settlement or damages. In some circumstances, a lawyer can reduce or remove a lien, allowing you to maximize your […]

can a tbi claim still be successful even without visible injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are often called invisible injuries because their true extent cannot be seen with the naked eye. Catastrophic damage to the brain doesn’t always result in visible deformities or physical limitations. Although you may be suffering badly because of a TBI, without the “obvious” signs of injury, it can be challenging to make […]

who pays medical bills after accident

Healthcare doesn’t come cheap in Tennessee. That’s never more apparent than after a serious car accident. Many accident victims worry about how they’ll pay for their medical bills after a collision. Who is responsible for covering the cost of your extensive medical treatment? After an accident, you deserve time and space to focus on your […]

traumatic brain injury impacts

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can instantly upend a person’s life. Whether from a car crash, a slip-and-fall accident, a catastrophic sports injury, or some other cause, a traumatic brain injury’s long-term effects can devastate a person’s physical, emotional, and financial well-being. Understanding the multifaceted challenges of life after a brain injury and the long-term […]

filing wrongful death tennessee

Losing a loved one is a heart-wrenching experience that becomes even more painful when someone else is to blame. If someone in your family recently passed away because of someone else’s negligent, reckless, or deliberately harmful behavior, you could be entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim against them. While filing a wrongful death lawsuit […]

types of wrongful death lawsuits

Losing a loved one due to someone else’s wrongdoing can be devastating. In addition to grief, surviving family members often face severe financial challenges due to losing their loved one’s support. While nothing can undo the tragic death of a family member, a Tennessee wrongful death lawsuit can offer some measure of justice and provide […]

Ways to Avoid a Car Accident

Drivers can protect themselves and their passengers from car accidents by driving defensively and using other techniques to stay safe. Defensive Driving Techniques Motorists can reduce their chances of getting into wrecks by learning and practicing defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving enables motorists to anticipate, quickly react, and adjust to emergencies. Here are some of […]