Category: Car Accidents
Have you recently been in a backing-up accident? If so, you’re probably wondering who’s to blame. Should the driver who was backing up have been paying more attention to the vehicles around them? Or should the other motorist – the one who likely had the better field of vision at the time – have given […]
Car accidents can be overwhelming and stressful situations. Still, it’s essential to keep in mind that how you handle the aftermath can affect your ability to seek compensation for your injuries and related losses. Every piece of evidence can help strengthen your case. Gathering and preserving comprehensive evidence can make a significant difference when it’s […]
Have you suffered whiplash because of a car accident that someone else caused? If so, you could be entitled to compensation in a personal injury claim. How much you could expect to get in a whiplash settlement will depend on a number of factors specific to your case, including the severity of your injuries, the […]
If you’ve been hurt in an accident and someone else is to blame for it, you can file an insurance claim or lawsuit against that person and demand they compensate you for the harm they caused. To succeed, you will need strong evidence demonstrating fault and how the crash caused your injuries. Evidence like videos, […]
Some people use the terms “crash” and “accident” as if they mean the same thing. Nothing is wrong with doing that, especially if you are using the terms in everyday, casual conversation. However, in personal injury law, the terms carry very different meanings. An auto accident typically refers to a motor vehicle collision that occurred due to […]
Broadside collisions, also called T-bone accidents or side impacts, occur when the front of one car strikes the side of another car traveling perpendicular to it. Because vehicles provide less occupant protection on the sides than in the front and rear, people sitting on the side of the vehicle that sustains the impact are more […]
Tennessee’s mandatory child restraint law allows children ages 9 and up to sit in the front seat of a motor vehicle, though it is advisable for children to ride in the rear seat until age 13. Children under 9 may ride up front if the vehicle, such as some pickups, lacks a rear seat. However, […]
Pregnant women face unique health risks and pregnancy complications from injuries in a car crash. Being involved in a car accident during pregnancy can potentially harm the unborn baby, often causing intense worry and additional stress on the pregnant woman. Receiving medical care after a car accident while pregnant is essential for diagnosing injuries to […]
With over 1,400 crashes in Tennessee resulting in death or severe injuries in a single recent year, understanding who has more car accidents, men or women, can help drivers, automobile manufacturers, safety experts, medical professionals, and legal advocates take appropriate measures to reduce injuries and fatalities. One way to begin the investigation is to look […]
Drivers can protect themselves and their passengers from car accidents by driving defensively and using other techniques to stay safe. Defensive Driving Techniques Motorists can reduce their chances of getting into wrecks by learning and practicing defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving enables motorists to anticipate, quickly react, and adjust to emergencies. Here are some of […]